Reference manual

Throughout the body of this manual, text in grey italics describes functionality that is not yet implemented.

While Radian is still in its early development phase, this reference manual describes the functionality implemented in the HEAD of the Radian GitHub repository. The releases on the Download page include a subset of this functionality. Once Radian is stable, we will tag sets of documentation for individual releases.

The Radian plotting library provides a convenient approach to embedding SVG plots in HTML documents. Plots are specified using custom HTML-like elements (e.g. <plot>, <lines>, <plot-data>, etc.) whose attributes and contents are used to control plot appearance and plot data. A flexible expression syntax is provided to make the access of compound JSON datasets simple, and to allow for grouping and simple processing of data for plotting.

Radian works by combining the benefits of the AngularJS JavaScript framework with the data visualisation capabilities of the D3.js library. A Haskell combinator library is provided for easy server-side rendering of plots.

1. Data sets

2. Data accessor syntax

3. Categorical data

4. The main plotting directive

5. Plot types

6. Palettes and interpolators

7. Plot legends

8. User interface features

9. Plot layout directives

10. The Radian plotting library

Appendix. Reserved names


Because of the way that browsers parse HTML pages, it is, in general, not possible to use XML’s compact tag syntax <tag a="abc"/> for custom tags that are not part of the HTML standard even if these tags do not have any content. This means that all custom tags must be closed by an explicit close tag, even if there is no content within the tag. For example, <metadata> tags must always be immediately closed by a </metadata>.