6. Palettes and interpolators

The subject of colour palettes and interpolators for properties like stroke width are closely related. A palette is essentially just a sort of colour interpolator.

Palette definitions

A palette is used to map input values from some domain to colour values. The mapping may be a discrete mapping (from discrete values taken by a variable to discrete colour values), an absolute mapping (from fixed variable values to colours) or a normalised mapping (from the range [0,1] to a range of colours, with the understanding that data values used with the palette will somehow be normalised to [0,1]). For non-discrete palettes, the interpolation between specified (value, colour) pairs is either linear (in RGB, HSL, HCL or Lab colour space) or constant (giving a “banded” palette). For example, a scale for temperatures might have a linear HSL interpolation between blue (for cold temperatures) and red (for warm), while a palette for topographic elevation might be absolute banded, with fixed colours being used for fixed elevation ranges.

A suitable Haskell datatype to represent palettes is thus:

data Colour = Colour { colRed, colGreen, colBlue :: Double }
data Banded = Banded | Linear
data ColInterp = RGB | HSL | HCL | Lab
data Palette = Discrete   [Colour]
             | Normalised ColInterp Banded [(Fraction, Colour)]
             | Absolute   ColInterp Banded [(Double, Colour)]

(Here, Fraction is a type representing values lying in [0,1].)

Palettes are defined in HTML <palette> directives, which have attributes to specify the palette type, and a body to define the domain and range of the palette interpolation.


Name     Description
NAME Name of generated palette function
TYPE One of discrete, abs or norm (default)
BANDED Present/absent
INTERP One of RGB, HSL (default), HCL or Lab


For discrete palettes, the body of the <palette> directive contains either a simple list of colours (separated by newlines or ; characters), e.g.

<palette name="rainbow" type="discrete">
  red; orange; yellow
  green; blue; indigo; violet

or a list of (value, colour) pairs (separated by newlines or ; characters), where the values are discrete labels (numeric or strings – these string values can be quoted with double quotes, in order to allow keys containing spaces), e.g.

<palette name="gender" type="discrete">
  male blue
  female red

For continuous palettes, the body of the palette contains a list of (value, colour) pairs, where the values are real numbers, e.g.

<palette name="rbpal">
  0.0 #FF0000; 1.0 #0000FF

In all cases, colour specifiers can be any of a colour name, #XXX, #XXXXXX, rgb(r, g, b) or rgba(r, g, b, a)).


Discrete palettes either assign given colours to given discrete keys, or give a simple list of colours, which are used one-by-one to colour categorical values – this is implemented by deriving a zero-based index i from the data categories and taking the (i mod n)’th colour from the palette, where n is the number of colours in the palette.

Absolute and normalised palettes both work in a similar fashion, either interpolating linearly between the (value, colour) set points of the palette or (for banded palettes) returning a fixed colour for each value range between set points. The only difference between absolute and normalised palettes is that, for absolute palettes, the actual data values are used to define the set points, while for normalised palettes, the set point values all lie in [0,1] and data values are normalised to this range before calculating colours from the palette (the normalisation is a simple linear mapping of [min D, max D] to [0,1], where D is the set of data values).}


Palette for display of topographic data

<palette name="terrain" type="abs" banded>
  -8000.0 #000066; -4000.0 #4C4CFF; -1000.0 #7F7FFF; -500.0 #66B2FF
   -100.0 #7FFFFF;   -50.0 #66CCB2;    -0.1 #E5FFFF;    0.0 #003300
    100.0 #00B24C;   500.0 #E5FF00;  1200.0 #994C00; 4000.0 #E5E5FF
   5000.0 #FFFFFF

Simple discrete colour palette

<palette name="colours" type="discrete">
  orange; green; blue; red; black

Palette for blue-to-red temperature scale

<palette name="temppal" type="norm">
  0 #0000FF; 1 #FF0000

Note that, in the last case, there is a compact direct representation of the palette that may be used.

Palette use and compact palette syntax

Not done: application of palettes to stroke along paths, i.e. passing a palette function as the stroke.

Palettes are used to specify colours for stroking and filling SVG elements in plots. (Note that in all the following examples, the stroke or fill attribute can actually contain a semicolon-separated list of colour/palette specifiers, allowing for stroke switching.)

Palettes defined using <palette> directives are installed as functions (with names taken from the directive’s NAME attribute) that can be called to assign colours based on Radian variables. For ad hoc palette use, there is a compact syntax for defining palette functions “in place”.

The most basic instance is using a single colour to specify the stroke or fill for an element, for example:

stroke="red"  or  fill="#CC3342".

To make use of a palette, we need to provide a palette specifier, palspec and, optionally, a data path dataspec describing the data item to be used to generate colours from the palette:

stroke = "@P{palspec}(dataspec)"  or  fill = "@P{palspec}".

In the second case, where no data path is given, the data item index is used to index into the palette. For path stroking, this gives palette interpolation along the path.

To support the simplest use case, there is a compact syntax for normalised linear interpolation between two colours:

stroke = "@P{grey:red}"

fill = "@P{grey:red}(station#startDate)"

These are equivalent to defining a normalised HSL interpolation palette whose 0 value is “grey” and whose 1 value is “red”, the first along the path to be stroked and the second as a function of the station#startDate variable.

More generally, if a palette is defined by a <palette> element with a suitable NAME attribute, the palette can be accessed directly as a function, for example:

fill = "terrainpal(stations#elevation)"

Here, the terrainpal palette must be defined within the current document using a <palette> element.

More complex palette definitions can also be included inline:

fill = "@P{discrete red;green;blue}(station#type)"

fill = "@P{norm 0 blue; 0.5 blue; 0.5 green; 1 red}(x)"

fill = "@P{abs rgb -4000 black; 8000 green}(station#elevation)"

The first example here defines a three element discrete palette, the second a normalised HSL interpolation palette and the third an absolute RGB interpolation palette.

The general syntax of a palette use is:

  paluse ::= colour | palref [ "(" [datapath] ")" ]

  palref ::= palette-function | "@P{" palspec "}"

  palspec ::= colour ":" colour
           |  colour ( ";" colour )*
           |  type [interp] ["banded"] value colour (";" value colour)+

  type ::= "normalised" | "absolute" | "discrete"
  interp ::= "RGB" | "HSL" | "HCL" | "Lab"

The type can be abbreviated to n, a or d.

General interpolation

As well as the specialised interpolation provided by palettes, there is a general interpolation facility exposed via the interpolate function in the Radian plotting library. This function is called as interpolate(domain, range, type) where domain and range are (possibly nested) arrays of values, and type is one of linear, sqrt, log or pow:k (with k a numeric exponent). The return value of a call to interpolate is an interpolation function whose domain covers the values in domain, whose range is the range of values in range and has an interpolation law as specified by type.

The following example demonstrates how marker linear sizes can be related to plot data:

<plot height=500 stroke-width=1
  <points x="d#x" y="d#y" fill="[[category10(d#cat)]]"