6. The Radian plotting library

Within Radian expressions, a standard set of constants and functions are made available. Some of these are standard JavaScript functions, some are adapted from the D3 plotting library, and some are unique to Radian.

JavaScript standard functions

The following constants and functions from the Math.xxx JavaScript scope are brought into scope within data accessor expressions (i.e. one can write “sin(x)” instead of “Math.sin(x)”): E, LN10, LN2, LOG10E, LOG2E, PI, SQRT1_2, SQRT2, abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, pow, round, sin, sqrt, tan.

D3 functions

The following functions from the d3.xxx JavaScript scope are brought into scope within data accessor expressions (i.e. one can write “extent(x)” instead of “d3.extent(x)”): min, max, extent, sum, mean, median, quantile, zip. (In fact, extent in Radian expressions is a variadic function: passing multiple arrays to extent will find the union of their ranges.)

Extra functions

seq, seqStep: Generate evenly spaced sequences of values: seq(start, end, n) produces a sequence of n values ranging from start to end, while seqStep(start, end, delta) produces a sequence from start to end in steps of delta.

sdev: Calculate the sample standard deviation of an array.

unique: Return the unique entries in an array in the order that they first appear.

flatten: Flatten a multi-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array.

minBy, maxBy, sumBy, meanBy, sdevBy, quantileBy, firstBy: Calculate categorical sums, means, standard deviations and quantiles of data sets (or extract first element with matching category): sumBy(x, y) calculates the sum of x values for each distinct value of y, returning an array of results in the order of occurrence of the distinct values in y. For example, given a dataset d containing daily temperature data with associated dates, meanBy(d#temp, d#date#mon) calculates a monthy seasonal cycle of temperatures. The quantileBy function is called as quantileBy(x, y, p) and calculates the pth quantile of the vector x segregated by distinct values of the parameter y.

normal: Normal distribution function: normal(x, mu, sigma) gives the value of the normal PDF with mean mu and standard deviation sigma at ordinate x.

lognormal: Log-normal distribution function: lognormal(x, mu, sigma) gives the value of the log-normal PDF with mean mu and standard deviation sigma at ordinate x.

gamma: Gamma distribution function: gamma(x, k, theta) gives the value of the gamma PDF with shape parameter k and scale parameter theta at ordinate x.

invgamma: Inverse gamma distribution function: invgamma(x, alpha, beta) gives the value of the inverse gamma PDF with shape parameter alpha and scale parameter beta at ordinate x.


The Radian plotting library also contains a histogram function for histogram binning calculations. This is called either as histogram(xs, nbins) with nbins an integer count of the number of bins to use, or as histogram(xs, opts) with opts an object with some of the following fields:

The return value of the histogram function is an object with the following fields: