8. Plot layout directives

A number of directives are provided for laying out plots using a “VBox/HBox” approach (<plot-row> and <plot-col>) and in simple grids (<plot-grid>). In addition, the <plot-stack> directive can be used to “stack” plots or plot layouts into a set of Bootstrap tabs.

Flat layout

All of the “flat” plot layout directives (i.e. <plot-row>, <plot-col> and <plot-grid>) can be embedded one inside the other, forming a layout tree, the leaves of which are normal <plot> directives. So, rows can be items inside columns, columns can be items be inside grids, grids can be items inside rows, and so on. The outermost layout directive (this includes a <plot> directive on its own) is responsible for allocating space within the main layout frame for the subsidiary plots. The overall height, width and aspect ratio of the plot layout can therefore be set on the outermost layout element. A single SVG image is generated for the outermost plot or plot layout element, with space allocated within the SVG for each of the subsidiary elements.

As with most Radian directives, plot attributes and other Radian variables can be specified for all the plots inside the directive. In addition, each of the layout directives supports a number of specialised layout attributes.

Layout attributes for the <plot-grid> directive

Name     Description
ROWS Number of rows in plot grid
COLS Number of columns in plot grid
SPACING Spacing between layout elements in pixels

If either or both of the ROWS or COLS attributes is missing, sensible defaults are chosen based on the number of items inside the <plot-grid> directive.

Layout attributes for the <plot-row> and <plot-col> directives

The only special attribute for these two directives is LAYOUT-SHARE, which can be applied to the elements within the <plot-row> or <plot-col> directives to specify proportionally how much space in the “layout direction” should be allocated to each element: setting LAYOUT-SHARE to 1 for one element and 2 for another element means that the second element will be allocated twice as much space as the first. Elements without a LAYOUT-SHARE value are allocated space corresponding to the mean size of all elements.


The functionality of these directives is best understood through examples.

Two plots laid out side-by-side

Both plots are allocated the same amount of space, and both (because of the ASPECT setting) are square:

<plot-row height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(0,2*PI,101)]]">
    <lines y="[[sin(x)]]"></lines>
    <lines y="[[cos(x)]]"></lines>

Nested layout with varying size ratios

The second column is three times the width of the first, and because of the height and width choices, all of the plots are square:

<plot-row height=600 width=800 x="[[seq(0,2*PI,101)]]">
  <plot-col layout-share=1>
    <plot title="Copy 1">
      <lines y="[[sin(x)]]"></lines>
    <plot title="Copy 2">
      <lines y="[[sin(x)]]"></lines>
    <plot title="Copy 3">
      <lines y="[[sin(x)]]"></lines>
  <plot layout-share=3>
    <lines y="[[cos(x)]]"></lines>

Tabbed layout

The <plot-stack> directive allows for a set of plots to be displayed with a tabbed navigation interface for switching between them. The <plot-stack> directive can only appear as the outermost of a tree of layout directives (this is because the “flat” layout directives generate a single SVG image for the full plot layout, and there is no easy way of embedding a tabbed navigation UI within a single SVG image), and can contain any number of plots or plot layouts. As for the other layout directives, the overall size of the plot is specified by the sizing attributes of this outer <plot-stack> directive.

Labels for the tabs are taken from the TITLE attribute of the inner plot elements.

For example, the following will generate a lyout with three tabs named “sin”, “cos” and “combined”:

<plot-stack width=600 aspect=1 stroke-width=2
            x="[[seq(0,2*PI+0.2,101)]]" axis-x-label="Time"
  <plot title="sin" axis-y-label="sin(x)">
    <lines y="[[sin(x)]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <plot title="cos" axis-y-label="cos(x)">
    <lines y="[[cos(x)]]" stroke="blue"></lines>
  <plot title="combined" axis-y-label="sin(x) + cos(x)">
    <lines y="[[sin(x)+cos(x)]]" stroke="green"></lines>