1. JavaScript data access

The HTML side of the plotting API uses a slight extension of the JavaScript expression syntax to express values to be plotted. Data sets can be included in HTML pages and named using the <plot-data> directive, and AngularJS data binding can be used to access arbitrary values from page UI elements or other sources.

The <plot-data> directive


Name     Description
NAME Data set name (mandatory)
SUBNAME Data set sub-name
FORMAT One of csv or json (default)
COLS Column names for CSV data
SEPARATOR Separator character for columns in CSV data (defaults to “,”)
SRC URL for data source
NG-MODEL Angular data binding attribute


Optionally, metadata directives describing the data values. If no SRC attribute is used to specify the data source, then the data values are included in the body of the directive in the given format.


The <plot-data> directive forms an association between the name given as the NAME attribute of the directive and the given data set. The data set name can then be used to create data paths to access components of the data set in plotting directives (see here). The data set name is installed as an Angular variable in the Angular scope of the containing HTML element. If the SUBNAME attribute is supplied as well, then the data is installed as the SUBNAME field of an Angular scope variable whose name is NAME (this is useful for using <plot-data> in conjunction with ng-repeat). The <plot-data> element does not create a scope of its own. For CSV data, if no COLS attribute is given, the column names are taken from the first line of the data.

When data is loaded from a URL using the SRC attribute, the semantics of the <plot-data> directive are identical to the case where the data is included directly in the directive body (except for possible rendering issues if the data download takes a long time: you may see warnings from the radianEval function in the browser console when Radian attempts to plot the empty data set before the data has arrived – these warnings are harmless, and the plots are re-rendered when the data download is complete). Replotting is triggered if the SRC attribute changes, so that an expression can be used to load data from different sources specified by an expression.

Alternatively, the data for plotting can be bound directly to an Angular scope variable by using the NG-MODEL attribute. This works as it does for other Angular directives.


Temperature data by date with error information

<plot-data id="globaltemp" format="csv" cols="date,temp,error">
  <metadata name="date" format="date"></metadata>
  <metadata name="temp" label="Global mean temperature" units="&deg;C">
  <metadata name="error" error-for="temp"></metadata>
"1970-01-15", 17.352, 0.100
"1970-02-14", 16.936, 0.090
"1970-03-15", 17.029, 0.095
"1970-04-15", 17.550, 0.087

JSON location data

<plot-data id="pumps">
  [ { "name": "Broad Street", "lat": 51.02345, "lon": 0.02345 },
    { "name": "Other",        "lat": 51.05445, "lon": 0.04538 } ]

The <metadata> directive

The <metadata> directive that may appear inside <plot-data> directives provides additional information about <plot-data> data fields that may be useful for plotting. Multiple <metadata> items may appear within a <plot-data> directive, up to one per data field.


Name Description
NAME Refers to a data field name in the enclosing<plot-data> directive (mandatory)
FORMAT Absent or date (specifies dates either using flexible parsing or in restricted format given by the DATE-PARSE-FORMAT attribute)
DATE-PARSE-FORMAT strftime()-like date parsing format (or isodate to specify dates in strict ISO 8601 format)
DATE-FORMAT Date output format for plot axes
LABEL Axis/legend label for the named data field
UNITS Units for the named field
ERROR-FOR Names another data field for which this field is an uncertainty/error value
CATEGORY-ORDER Semicolon-separated list of categorical values, specifying an ordering to be used for plotting.




A <metadata> directive specifies metadata for a single field of an associated containing <plot-data> directive. This metadata either gives label and units information for axis and legend labels, marks data fields as having special formats (currently only dates, but this could be used for other things as well) and allows fields to be marked up as providing uncertainty values for other fields (this information can be used to plot error bars or uncertainty ranges).

The data field that the metadata corresponds to is specified using the NAME attribute, which is a period-separated list of field names giving a path to the field of interest.


<metadata name="date" format="date" date-parse-format="isodate"
          date-format="%e %b %Y"></metadata>
<metadata name="date.doy" label="Day of year"></metadata>
<metadata name="temp" label="Mean temperature" units="&deg;C"></metadata>
<metadata name="error" error-for="temp"></metadata>

Data accessor syntax

Within plotting directives, data values to be plotted, as well as other plot attributes (e.g. marker size, colours, and so on) are specified using an extended JavaScript expression syntax. There are three aspects to this syntax: permitted operators, name scoping and attribute data binding, and standard functions.

In order to distinguish between Radian expressions and raw string values, all Radian expressions are enclosed in double square brackets, e.g. [[x+y]]. This is the same sort of approach as taken in Angular, where Angular expressions are enclosed in double braces. The Radian expression syntax is a superset of full JavaScript expression syntax, so is rather more flexible than the more restricted grammar supported for Angular expressions.

Data accessor operators

Data accessor syntax allows three extensions to standard JavaScript syntax. These are intended to make it more convenient to write the kinds of expressions needed in common plot types.

Exponentiation operator Instead of writing Math.pow(x,y), one may write x**y. The ** operator has a higher precedence than any other binary operator.

Pluck operator If y is an identifier, the expression x#y is equivalent to

x.map(function(e) { return e.y; )}

while if y is an integer literal, x#y is equivalent to

x.map(function(e) { return e[y]; )}

and if expr is a general JavaScript expression, x#(expr) (note parentheses!) is equivalent to

x.map(function(e) { return e[expr]; )}

This allows fields from arrays of objects or arrays of arrays to be plucked out into flat arrays in a simple way (method “plucking” of the form x#f(z) is also supported). This syntax is particularly useful for JSON arrays of objects or for compound object fields within other data. For instance, if we have a data set d with a field date containing an array of date fields, we can extract the day of year of each date as a single array using the expression d.date#dayOfYear(). Note that the only possibilities for the right hand side of the # operator are an identifier, a literal integer or a parenthesised expression (the parentheses are necessary for disambiguation of the x#y and x#(y) cases – in the first case y is an identifier, in the second an expression).

Expression vectorisation Standard functions and arithmentic operators are automatically vectorised, so that, for example, sin(x) calculates either the sine of a single value or an array and x + y adds two arrays, two scalars or a scalar and an array in the natural way. This means that we can express functional plots in a very simple way:

<plot height=300 aspect=3 stroke-width=1>
  <lines x="[[seq(-1,1,100)]]" y="[[-x**3+x+sin(x)]]" stroke="red"></lines>

Name scoping and data binding in data accessors

The following names are in scope within data accessor expressions:

What this means is that it is possible to pass data values around using attributes with meaningful names. We implicitly bring data set names into scope as well as simplified standard function names to make writing plot directives quick and simple.

Combined with Angular’s ng-model data binding attribute, we can do some very powerful things in very simple ways:

<div class="form-inline">
  <input type="text" ng-model="mu" ng-init="mu=5">
  <label>&nbsp;&nbsp;Standard deviation</label>
  <input type="text" ng-model="sigma" ng-init="sigma=1">

<plot height=300 aspect=3 stroke-width=2 stroke="red">
  <lines x="[[seq(0,10,200)]]" y="[[normal(x,mu,sigma)]]"></lines>

In this example, updating the values in the input text fields triggers an immediate update of the plot, pulling in the new values from the UI elements. This means that plots can be attached to arbitrary UI elements with ease. Note how names of Angular scope variables defined for instance using ng-model may be used within Radian expressions. The Radian expression parsing infrastructure interacts correctly with Angular data binding so that plots are regenerated when Angular expressions within Radian expressions change.

Handling of dates

Time and date data can be read using a <metadata> directive with a FORMAT="date" attribute. Individual fields of date values can then be plucked from date data using methods of the standard JavaScript Date class: for instance, date#getMonth() extracts the month field from a series of dates. In combination with aggregation functions and arbitrary mapping functions, this allows for various complex manipulations of date data. This example shows extraction of date fields, aggregation (using the unique and meanBy functions) and the use of a user-defined function (midMonths) injected into the plotLib plotting library in the Angular controller used to manage the page:

<plot height=300 aspect=3 stroke-width=2>
  <lines x="vic2012ooa.date" y="vic2012ooa.tmp" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines x="[[midMonths(unique(vic2012ooa.date#getMonth()), 2012)]]"


In this simple example, we use Angular data binding to set the mu and sigma attributes from scope variables called mean and sdev. These “attribute variables” are then in scope for the calculation of x and y attributes for the plot:

<lines mu="[[mean]]" sigma="[[sdev]]"

The processing of this example goes as follows:

Evaluate     Requires
x mu, sigma
y x, mu, sigma
mu mean
sigma sdev
mean AngularJS scope variable
sdev AngularJS scope variable

Categorical data

For point and bar plots, it is possible to use categorical data values for the x and y data coordinates. A number of attributes are provided to support this, as well as a special data structure format to take advantage of hierarchical grouping using multiple categorical data fields.

For point plots, using a categorical value as the x attribute for a plot results in a discrete set of point clouds being produced, one per category, evenly spaced along the x-axis (see this example):

<plot height=400 aspect=1.5 order-x="I. virginica;I. versicolor;I. setosa"
      axis-x-label="Species" axis-y-label="Petal length"
      marker="circle" marker-size=10 stroke="none">
  <points x="[[iris.species]]"
          jitter-x y="[[iris.petal_length]]"

<palette name="irispal" type="discrete">
  "I. setosa" red
  "I. versicolor" green
  "I. virginica" blue

<plot-data name="iris" format="csv"
  <metadata name="species"
            category-order="I. setosa;I. versicolor;I. virginica"></metadata>
5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,I. setosa
4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2,I. setosa
4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2,I. setosa
4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2,I. setosa

For bar plots, categorical data fields can be used for the x attribute, as for point plots, but an aggregation scheme is also needed to turn the set of data values corresponding to the category into a single bar height to be plotted. For the <bars> directive, the AGGREGATION attribute (which can take on the values mean, sum, min or max) determines the aggregation scheme used. A simple example plots the mean value for each category:

<plot axis-x-label="off" axis-y-label="Rate" stroke="none">
  <bars x="[[d1#sex]]" y="[[d1#rate]]" fill="[[mfpal(x)]]"
        aggregation="mean" bar-width=0.5></bars>

Supporting attributes

The following attributes are defined to support plots involving categorical data – some of these should appear on the <plot> directive, some on <metadata> and some on <bars> as specified in the following table:

Name     Directive    
ORDER-X <plot> Override default ordering for categorical data
GROUP-X <plot> Integer grouping level for hierarchical categorical data
JITTER-X <plot> Jitter data points in x-direction (can specify a fraction of the distance between category values or take the default of 0.05)
JITTER-Y <plot> As for JITTER-X but in the y-direction
CATEGORY-ORDER <metadata> Define default ordering for categorical data
AGGREGATION <bars> Aggregation scheme for generating bars from categorical data (one of mean, sum, min, max)

Ordering of categorical values is controlled by the CATEGORY-ORDER attribute of the <metadata> directive and the ORDER-X attribute of the <plot> directive. In both cases, the ordering is defined by a semicolon-separated list of data values. The <plot> directive’s ORDER-X attribute overrides the default ordering defined by the <metadata> CATEGORY-ORDER attribute.

When displaying categorical data as points, it’s sometimes useful to jitter the position of individual points so as to avoid overlapping points (which give a false sense of the number of points in the plot). The JITTER-X and JITTER-Y attributes on the <plot> directive enable these small random displacements of individual points. These two attributes can either be given without any value, in which case points are jittered by a random value within ±5% of the separation between adjacent categorical values, or a jitter value can be given as a fraction of the inter-category spacing.

The AGGREGATION attribute is explained in the previous section.

Finally, the GROUP-X attribute is used to control the grouping of points and bars when hierarchical categorical data is used. To explain how this works, let’s look at three plots based on the following data:

<plot-data name="d1">
  <metadata name="sex" category-order="male;female"></metadata>
  <metadata name="env" category-order="urban;rural"></metadata>
  <metadata name="age" category-order="50-54;55-59;60-64;65-69;70-74">
  [ { "sex": "female", "env": "rural", "age": "50-54", "rate": 15.5 },
    { "sex": "female", "env": "rural", "age": "55-59", "rate": 20.2 },
    { "sex": "female", "env": "rural", "age": "60-64", "rate": 32.1 },
    { "sex": "female", "env": "rural", "age": "65-69", "rate": 48.0 },
    { "sex": "female", "env": "rural", "age": "70-74", "rate": 65.5 },
    { "sex": "female", "env": "urban", "age": "50-54", "rate": 15.5 },
    ... ]

We could make plots that split the data by a single category (sex or env, for instance), but we can also split on multiple categories at once by zipping the data for the relevant categories together:

<plot height=600 aspect=1.5 axis-x-label="off" axis-y-label="Rate">
  <bars x="[[zip(d1#sex,d1#env)]]" y="[[d1#rate]]"
        aggregation="mean" bar-width=0.5 stroke-width=10
        stroke="[[urpal(x#1)]]" fill="[[mfpal(x#0)]]"></bars>

In this case, there will be one bar for each distinct value of the pair (sex, env), and the spacing between the bars will be constant. The bars are stroke and filled based on palettes where we pass the env value to urpal for the stroke and pass the sex value to mfpal for the fill. The bars appear in the order (male,urban), (male,rural), (female,urban), (female,rural), i.e. the first element in each zipped data item varies slowest.

Grouping behaviour is enabled by setting the GROUP-X attribute to the count of data levels that should be grouped together. Here, GROUP-X is set to one:

<plot height=600 aspect=1.5 axis-x-label="off" axis-y-label="Rate"
  <bars x="[[zip(d1#sex,d1#age)]]" y="[[d1#rate]]"
        aggregation="mean" bar-width=0.5 stroke-width=2

This results in bars that are position in two groups, one for the each value of the sex field. Each group contains one bar for each value of the age field. The grouping can be switched around by changing the order of appearance of the zipped fields in the x data. This plot:

<plot height=600 aspect=1.5 axis-x-label="off" axis-y-label="Rate"
  <bars x="[[zip(d1#age,d1#sex)]]" y="[[d1#rate]]"
        aggregation="mean" bar-width=0.5 stroke-width=2

has one group for each value of the age field, each group having a bar for the different values of the sex field.

This hierarchical composition of categorical data and grouping extends as you would expect for more than two variables (although this kind of plot generally looks better with two or, at most, three, levels of data).

The boxes directive

The boxes directive provides rudimentary box-and-whisker plots. There will be more of this sort of thing in future releases of Radian. For the moment, you can write something like this:

<plot height=600 aspect=1 axis-x-label="Species" axis-y-label="Petal length">
  <boxes x="[[iris.species]]" y="[[iris.petal_length]]"

and you will get box-and-whisker plots that show the minimum and maximum values for each category as the whiskers, the 25% and 75% percentiles as the bottom and top edges of the box and the median value as a line across the box. The usual paint styling attributes can be used.