
This tutorial covers many of the more straightforward uses of Radian. Each of the three sections works towards producing increasingly complex plots, with a number of sections describing the features of Radian that we’re going to use (often with some scattered exercises for you to look at), wrapped up by a “Putting it together” section where you will be guided through constructing a plot using a number of Radian’s features.

Radian is very much an open-ended tool, and what you can do with it is really limited only by your imagination. We’ll cover only a small fraction of what you can do in this tutorial, but it should be enough to get you started.

1. Function plots

Uses simple function-based plots to introduce Radian: covers plot setup, line plots, Radian expressions and basic plot styling.

1.1. Plot setup
1.2. Line plots
1.3. Radian expressions
1.4. Basic interaction
1.5. Putting it together

2. Data plots

Plots using data: covers data access, scatter plots, bar charts and histograms, more complex Radian expressions and plot layout.

2.1. Accessing plot data
2.2. Scatter plots
2.3. Bar charts
2.4. Plot layout
2.5. Putting it together

3. Interactive plots

Interactivity using Angular: builds a simple data viewer for some historical financial data.

3.1. Angular data binding
3.2. Building the example