1.3. Radian expressions

The key to the way that Radian works is its use of expressions to calculate plot characteristics, both x and y coordinates for lines, points, bar charts and so on, but also paint attributes for plots. The size, colour and shape of markers on a scatter plot can be expressed as functions of data, making it easy to produce bubble plots and other multivariate scatter plot types. The stroke colour of a curve can vary along the curve as a function of data (imagine, for example, that you have x and y coordinates giving the longitude and latitude of a drifting ocean buoy, and you want to plot the path of the buoy as a curve whose colour varies depending on the ocean temperature measured at each point).

We aren’t going to get to everything that you can do with Radian expressions in this tutorial, but we will cover the basics here and some more powerful features in Part 3.

We have already seen some Radian expressions: these are the bits of code in double square brackets in attributes for Radian plotting directives. For example, we gave the x coordinates of plots in the last section as x="[[seq(0,2*PI,101)]]". Radian expressions must be contained in double quotes, since they can contain characters that are treated specially in HTML. The language for the code inside the [[]] brackets is a superset of the JavaScript expression syntax. (Note that this means that it is quite a bit more expressive than the syntax for Angular expressions.)

Generating sequences

The first kind of expressions that we’ll look at are those for generating evenly spaced sequences of values. This is useful for producing x coordinate values for plotting functions, as we’re going to do here.

The basic Radian function for producing sequences is seq. This takes three arguments: the starting value, the end value, and the number of values to produce. For example seq(1,100,100) produces the sequence of integers 1, 2, …, 100. To use an expression like this in a plot, we just surround it with double square brackets (to mark that it’s a Radian expression), surround that with double quotes (to protect any HTML special characters) and assign it to an attribute in a Radian plotting directive.

In all the plot examples so far, we’ve used this approach to set up a vector of x coordinate values as x="[[seq(0,2*PI,101))]]". As well as the seq function, this also makes use of the constant PI, which is one of a number of mathematical entities imported into the namespace of Radian expressions from JavaScript’s maths library.

Arithmetic expressions

Once we’ve generated a sequence of x values, we’d like to be able to calculate corresponding y coordinates to go with them. The simplest cases are arithmetic expressions, i.e. expressions that involve just numbers, variables and the arithmetic operators +, -, * (multiplication), / (division) and ** (exponentiation). (The exponentiation operator is not something that is available in normal JavaScript, but is a Radian “extra”, added for convenience.)

This example plots a number of different polynomial curves:

<plot height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(-5,5,101)]]">
  <lines y="[[20*x+5]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[3*x**2-10*x-40]]" stroke="blue"></lines>
  <lines y="[[2*x**3-30*x-32]]" stroke="green"></lines>

There are two things to note here.

First, the variable x defined by an attribute in the surrounding <plot> directive is available in Radian expressions in the <lines> directives inside the <plot> directive. This is a general feature of Radian expressions: all attributes are installed as Angular scope variables on a scope associated with the plotting directive carrying the directive, and the nesting of these scopes defined by Angular’s prototype inheritance mechanism makes everything work nicely. (If that last sentence didn’t mean a whole lot to you, don’t worry. Everything will normally work the way you would expect it to – just remember that you can define variables via attributes on outer plotting directives and use them in expressions within inner plotting directives.

The second thing to note is that the expressions are vectorised over the variable x. Here, x is an array of values produced by the seq function, but we can write an expression like 20*x+5, and each value in the x array is substituted for x in this expression one at a time to produce an array of results. This vectorisation is, again, not something that is supported in ordinary JavaScript expressions, but it is incredibly useful for writing the kinds of expressions that are needed for plotting. All arithmetic operators in Radian are implicitly vectorised, and behave sensibly for combinations of two arrays, one array and one scalar value and (obviously) two scalar values. To understand what this means, note that in the expression 20*x+5, x is an array, but the numbers 20 and 5 are single scalar values. This means that each entry in x is multiplied by 20 with 5 being added to the result. The overall result of this expression is the array of all these results.

To see another example of how this works, consider this example:

<plot height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(-5,5,101)]]" a="[[seq(0,20,101)]]">
  <lines y="[[a*x+5]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[3*x**2-a*x-a]]" stroke="blue"></lines>

Here, as well as the coordinate array x, we define another array called a which we then use in the expressions for the y-coordinates in our plots. As well as operating between one array and a scalar value, we can, for instance, multiply one array by another: a*x takes values in parallel from the arrays a and x and multiplies them together, yielding an array as a result whose length is the shorter of the lengths of a and x.

The upshot of all this is that writing functional plot expressions is very simple: given an array of x values, just write down an expression for the y value for a typical x, and Radian will vectorise as necessary.


Create some line plots of polynomial functions. Experiment with different ranges of x values and different expressions for the y coordinates.

Some simple functions

As well as arithmetic expressions, we have access to a range of standard mathematical functions (see the reference manual for the full list). Where it makes sense, these functions are vectorised over the appropriate arguments in the same way as arithmetic expressions. Here are some examples.

<plot height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(0,4*PI,501)]]">
  <lines y="[[sin(x)]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[cos(x)]]" stroke="blue"></lines>
  <lines y="[[2*sin(3*x)+cos(5*x+PI/4)]]" stroke-width=2

<plot height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(0,4*PI,501)]]"
      s="[[10*sin(x)]]" c="[[10*cos(x)]]"
  <lines y="[[ceil(s)]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[floor(s)]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[ceil(c)]]" stroke="blue"></lines>
  <lines y="[[floor(c)]]" stroke="blue"></lines>
  <lines y="[[ceil(m)]]" stroke="green"></lines>
  <lines y="[[floor(m)]]" stroke="green"></lines>

<plot height=300 aspect=2 x="[[seq(0,6,101)]]">
  <lines y="[[normal(x,3,0.5)]]" stroke="red"></lines>
  <lines y="[[gamma(x,2,0.5)]]" stroke="blue"></lines>


Experiment with making plots based on some of the other functions defined in the reference manual.

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